Departure Memo Of The Day: Chris Wray Bids Farewell To King & Spalding
Christopher Wray will deeply miss his superb colleagues (and that seven-figure paycheck).
Christopher Wray will deeply miss his superb colleagues (and that seven-figure paycheck).
This is how you leave a firm!
Meet LexisNexis Protégé™, the new AI assistant that leverages personalization choices controlled by the user or their organization to optimize the individual’s AI experience.
How do you escape golden handcuffs?
How do you escape golden handcuffs?
Being in the wrong job will make your career feel endlessly long.
The multiple choice memo that makes every co-worker want to beat you with a club.
Recent CounselLink upgrades integrate the full in-house workflow with the broader suite of LexisNexis products.
This partner's leaving Manhattan for life in the countryside.
Lawyer rips overbearing boss a new one.
Love them or hate them, Above the Law comments are going away.
On its face, the comparison seems absurd -- but the deeper you look, the more the analogy makes sense.
Based on our experience in recent client matters, we have seen an escalating threat posed by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) information technology (IT) workers engaging in sophisticated schemes to evade US and UN sanctions, steal intellectual property from US companies, and/or inject ransomware into company IT environments, in support of enhancing North Korea’s illicit weapons program.
Columnist Gaston Kroub explains how to end your client representations on the right note.
A law firm breaks up amid lurid allegations.
Which major law firm inspired this shiny happy farewell memo?
After almost a decade in Biglaw, this associate is setting sail on a new adventure.
A contract attorney sends around a parody of a heartfelt farewell exposing the plight of the document reviewer.